Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Stupid, Nakedy, Hick

Yes, it’s true!  My sweet little innocent child is learning all sorts of bad words.  And not only that, but she likes to repeat them A LOT. 
She repeats the word “stupid” several times a day.  Not actually saying it as a bad word, but instead telling me that her doll, stuffed animal, chair, bed, etc has said stupid.  Plus I’ve come to realize most of the Disney movies we have, say the word “stupid” too.  Who knew, right?
 For some reason Sarah also cannot stand having her dolls clothed.  She wants them to be “immodest” and “nakedy” (another bad word she loves to say).
Sarah heard a little neighbor boy says, “what the heck.”  Of course she needed to know what that meant and I told her it was a bad word that we don’t say.  I should’ve known not to tell her something was a bad word because now she says “hick” thinking she’s saying heck. J
She loves, loves, loves books and will usually escape to her room and flip through books.  It’s pretty cute when she makes up her own version of the story.  She also loves to sing and knows a bunch of songs.  Her favorites lately are “I Know You” (from Sleeping Beauty) and “You are my Sunshine.”  For some reason she thinks it’s SO funny to replace the word “snow” with words in songs she already knows.  For example… “I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot SNOW.”   Sadly, she’s done this with so many songs lately that I am even starting to appreciate the toddler humor. 
“That’s hilarious!”
“You’re NOT hilarious!”
“Mom, Paublo said stupid”
“I’m a big, old, hairy lion! ROAR!”
“I’m going to take your lid away so you’ll be immodest” (to her markers while coloring)
“I don’t want to be Barney anymore (after pen exploded all over her)
“hickle dick” (only thing I can think of is she’s trying to say hickory dickory dock???)
“Karen, You’re scary!”
“I’m gonna be a mean witch all by myself”
“Mom, is that a mosquito, or a praying mantis, or a beetle? (pointing to a wasp)


  1. Hahahaha... She is too cute!... Cathy She is adorable and thank you for sharing. We miss you guys and hope to see you!

  2. I am laughing out loud all to myself right now- she's hilarious! Hickory dick!

    1. Hickle not hickory...that would be even worse
